Friday, 13 February 2009

Crochet Hexagon

Ooooooo! I'm so excited! My first crocheted hexagon. I found this pattern on Attic24's blog, I don't know if this has created a link to the site, (another steep learning curve, I'm exhausted!) but if you can find it - it's absolutely fantastic!! Thank you, Lucy at Attic24!

Having only done granny squares before I seemed to peeve everyone with different size squares as gifts - blankets, mini blankets, cushion covers, pot holders, coasters etc, etc - the first one or two were graciously accepted, then the screams of PLEASE NO MORE!

So 10 years later, a long enough gap I feel, I intend to treat my nearest and dearest to a new range! I love them! I haven't mastered catching in the ends as I go, but will try this on the next hex. It will save hours of work so I'll persevere!

Oh, the 2 needle sock is finished, as in ONE sock is finished, not the pair! As soon as it's sewn up and there is a pair I will put a piccie up!

I am a very happy crafting bunny, there is something sooo rewarding about learning new stuff. Definitely good for ones soul, (or should that be sole?!) a bit like sunshine! Bliss .........


  1. aww well done hunni your hexagon look's great.
    I love attic 24 too she's so inspiring isn't she. After months and months of trying to teach myself to crochet I have finally cracked it ( I thinks) and I'm now in the beginning stages if making one of lucy's summer garden granny square blankets fingers crossed so far so good.


  2. Hey thanks! I have spent all day talking about my hex at work. Think I may have sent some customers to sleep!!
